Monday, May 31, 2010

Balloon pizzas in Varese

OK, as promised... some food porn from Varese. Carlee, Lauren, Spratty and I went to our favourite pizza place in Varese last night to celebrate Lauren's last night before she heads home to Australia for a break. Spratty and I were on a mission to sample the retaurant's famous 'balloon' pizzas, which are like calzone but swelled up with air in the cooking process so that they are the size of a basketball when they come out. Inside is mozzarella, ricotta, ham, olives and an egg. It was delicious... not something I could eat often if I want to stay a hill climber but I could definitely smash another one soon.

In the masterchef spirit we judged the balloons 9.5 out of 10, with half a point deducted because they were not served by an Adonis-like waiter called Giordano who arrived on a golden chariot pulled by unicorns. But other than that it was pretty good.


...and after
I am not a quitter but this Ballun hit me for 6 and I had to lay down the knife and fork after a solid 40 minutes of trying. Good thing we did so much riding yesterday or I'd never have made it that far.


  1. Hi Lisa,
    you have nice blog here. I'm just curious, you have a great black t-shirt on the first picture. It is possible to buy it somewhere?

    Jan -

  2. Hi Jan - yeah, I love that t-shirt too. All my t-shirts are from St Mel - they have a great selection of bike tees and hoodies. Tell Mel I sent you!

